CRYPTIC Season One
Written by Adam Hoffman
Episode 1.5: “A Call from Ruthie”
heme fades and we hear Move On, from Yankee Bravo playing, and the sound of Chuck sipping coffee and typing/clicking away as he preps for the next episode of The Cryptic.
Come on, come on. Gotta find something. Give Chuck something yummy.
( a beep) Hey, this is Zev in Zainsville. There’s a yeti…. (a beep cuts off Zev)
Nope. C’;mon ...big money, big money….
Anonymous caller:
(A beep) I think I seen a dragon down near Yellow Springs. It has eight tails and it’s crappin’ all
over my sorghum…. (another beep interrupts as Chuck is getting desperate for something good)
Jeez Louise. Chuck needs a show. Big money…
(A beep) Cryptic? It’s Ruthie. You know me. I’ve been trying to reach you on Alastair’s number…